7. Vector Charts
This indicates that you are using a
newer reissue of the chart mentioned
in the box, which includes this
This indicates that you are using a
newer reissue of the chart mentioned
in the box.
This indicates that you are using the
updates mentioned in the box.
Note: You cannot replace chart data that is already in use unless you only replace the latest base cell or update. If
you want to reload older data again, you must first remove the corresponding chart from your hard disk. For further
details, see section 7.4.5 How to remove an S57 chart cell from the system.
Messages that require careful attention
All messages in this chapter change the legal status of the charts in your system.
Test before ENC to SENC conversion fails
CRC checksum is tested before the
SENC conversion and if it fails you
get this message.
Conversion from ENC to SENC fails partly
Conversion failed partly due to
internal booking error of the chart.
Load the chart and updates again into
the system.
ENC to SENC conversion fails or detects errors
If the SENC conversions detect
anything abnormal, you get the
following message window:
For further details, see section 7.3
S57 SENC Conversion Details.
A new edition of the chart has been published and you missed it
If you tried to load updates for a
chart for which you do not have new
enough base cells or reissues in your
hard disk, you will get following
The message above clearly indicates that this chart is not up-to-date and thus it does not fulfil SOLAS requirements.
Get the latest edition of the chart from the publisher immediately.