20. Alerts
20.7 Warnings for Doubtful Integrity
There are a few warnings for which source is doubtful integrity. This kind of warning are "405 Log data unreliable",
"407 Position discrepancy" and " 413 SOG/COG data unreliable".
When any of above warning is active, doubtful value itself is presented using color of warning - yellow.
Following values themselves are turned yellow in upper right corner when there is doubtful integrity:
• LAT & LON values of own ship position
• Speed value
• SOG/COG values
Following values in Sensor page turn yellow when there is doubtful integrity:
• Position sensors (position discrepancy) • position sensors (filter exclude)
• Log sensor
• SOG/COG sensors (dual axis log and position sensors)
20.8 Alert Reporting to Central Alert Management
An "ALR transmit and ACK receive" communication is available for Central Alert Management (=CAM). In this
interface all alerts are reported to CAM. This interface is based on IEC 61162-1 and IEC 80/520/INF.
Based on rules set by IMO MSC 252(83) Central Alert Management can remotely acknowledge some of the alerts
and the rest get remote buzzer silence for 30 seconds. The communication with Central Alert management is
supervised and if fault is detected then alert "90 CALA OUTPUT CON LOST" is created.
20.9 Alert Reception from Connected Sensors
An "ALR receive and ACK transmit" communication is available for every serial line of ECDIS. This is intended
for sensors reporting to ECDIS. ALR message from the sensor includes information about alert on sensor. This alert
is presented though the normal alert system of this ECDIS. When you acknowledge it then an ACK message is sent
to the sensor to perform remote acknowledge.
This interface is based on IEC 61162-1 and IEC 80/520/INF. The communication with the sensor is supervised and
if fault is detected then alert "ALARM SENSOR LOST including number 70-85 (depending of serial channel) and
source indication label (for example AIS, POS1, etc.) is created.