Analyst and administrator interfaces
Chapter 2 Using Perceive views 93
5 Noticing a spike in the Free Memory in that time period, she immediately requests
more information from Yvonne on what she feels might be a potential bottleneck.
Less than twenty minutes after Perceive was installed and configured, Valerie was
able to easily view and interpret reports on a computer. In just a few minutes of
viewing Perceive, she noticed a possible bottleneck in the system.
Collaborating with analysts on the information she saw will help her to become
more knowledgeable about capacity planning and, in the future, help her play a
more valuable role in performance assurance within her company.
Analyst and administrator interfaces
The analyst and administrator interfaces, accessed by authorized logon, contain
certain view characteristics that might differ from the general descriptions in this
chapter. Logging on as an analyst or administrator lets you access additional tabs that
provide additional customizing functions in Perceive.
For specific information on the analyst functions, including how to logon, refer to
Chapter 3, “Building custom views.”
For specific information on the administrator functions, including how to logon, refer
to Chapter 4, “Configuring, managing, and customizing Perceive.”