Managing packages
124 Perceive Getting Started
The table on the About page contains the following information:
To get information on Perceive, click
About in the scope pane.
Managing packages
You can use the Manage Packages page to Activate, Deactivate, and Reload Predefined
which come with each package.
Preparing views the first time
You can activate data sources without taking Perceive offline and then bringing it
back online. After installing Perceive, use the process described in the following table
to prepare views for the consumer:
Tab le 9 Ab out Pa ge Ta ble
Information Heading Description
Product Name The name of the product you are running (Perceive).
Product Version The version of the product.
Build number BMC Software’s internal build number for Perceive.
Tomcat version The version of the Tomcat server running Perceive.
JRE version The version of the Java plug-in required to access analyst and
administration functions.
MrConsumer version The version of BMC Software’s MrConsumer.
Consumers and analysts can only view information on computers and groups of computers
when data sources are active. For more information on activating data sources, refer to
“Activating and deactivating data sources” on page 143.
In previous versions of Perceive it is was not possible to reload pre-defined views from a
package without de-activating and re-activating the package itself.
The following task sequence applies only the first time the Administrator is interested
in building and deploying views for any of the new data sources. The Distributed
Systems platform is always active.