Installing Perceive in a UNIX environment
Chapter 1 Installing Perceive 39
To determine which Quality Pack is installed, use the following command:
swlist | grep -e QPK -e GOLD
If none of the Quality Packs are installed, use the Base packs (Base 11.00, Base
11.11). Install additional patches for each of the pack levels. For more information
for these patches visit the HP website
Installing Perceive in a UNIX environment
When you install Perceive on a system where a Performance Console is already
installed, Visualizer and UDR data are available, and historical data can be accessed
from remote Perform agents managed by that console.
HP-UX Version Required Patches
HP-UX 11.00
■ QPK1100 March '04
■ QPK1100 Sept '03
■ QPK1100 March '03
■ QPK1100 Sept '02
■ QPK1100 March '02
■ QPK1100 Sept '01
■ Base 11.00
HP-UX 11.11
■ GOLDBASE11i June '04
■ GOLDBASE11i Dec '03
■ GOLDBASE11i June '03
■ GOLDBASE11i Dec '02
■ GOLDBASE11i June '02
■ GOLDBASE11i Dec '01
■ GOLDBASE11i June '01
■ Base 11.11
HP-UX 11.20 ■ Base 11.20
HP-UX 11.22
■ Base 11.22
HP-UX 11.23
■ March '04
■ Base 11.23
Before you begin the installation process, ensure that all pre-installation and system
requirements are met. Refer to “Installation requirements for UNIX systems” on page 37.