Refreshing the view
Chapter 2 Using Perceive views 83
A Move the cursor over a data point on the chart. A tool tip displays that data
point’s date range.
B Click the data point.
3 To zoom out and return to the view state, click the Zoom Chart icon again.
You can also zoom in on a view further by drilling down on a specific data point
on a chart. This lets you navigate further to get more information on data for a
specific time interval, for example.
For more information on view states, refer to “View state” on page 70.
Refreshing the view
Perceive is not a run-time monitoring tool. Therefore, charts shown in the results
pane are not dynamically updated or automatically refreshed. Charts are displayed
as a bitmap format “snapshot” of the data at the time interval selected. You can
update the view by refreshing it. You would typically do this only for a short relative
time (the last hour, for example). You might also do this to make a view fit the current
size of your browser window if you expanded or made it smaller on your screen.
This action is different from refreshing a data source. See “Refreshing data sources”
on page 145 for a description of that action.
To refresh a view
Click the view or view category that you originally selected in the scope pane, or
select another group, computer, or time interval in the selector pane.
The Zoom Chart icon must display a minus sign (-).
All time intervals (except for custom intervals) are relative, based on the time the view is
generated. Therefore, every time a view is refreshed, the relative interval is calculated.