Computer views
170 Perceive Getting Started
Pre-defined VMware views
The Distributed Systems package includes a VMware view in the VMware category.
The view is not active by default. The administrator must activate it for the consumer.
It provides information about all logical partitions residing on a VMware host
system. Select a VMware host computer to view the data.
Computer views
Perceive provides default views for reporting on individual computers. The
following sections describe these views.
For additional information about navigating among view categories, refer to
“Navigating view categories” on page 74.
System overview
This view monitors key metrics from all the main areas of the system. It contains the
following metrics:
■ CPU Utilization
■ Total IO Rate
■ Memory Paging
■ Network Packets
For more detail, drill down on the appropriate metric.
These metrics are only available for computers which are hosting logical partitions. For all
other computers, these metrics return no data.