Required Solaris patches for Java 1.4.2
26 Perceive Getting Started
Table 4 Solaris 9 x86 Patches
113986-13 SunOS 5.9_x86: linker Patch
112786-34 X11 6.6.1_x86: Xsun patch
Tab le 5 So laris 8 Pa tche s
112003-03 SunOS 5.8: Unable to load fontset in 64-bit Solaris 8
iso-1 or iso-15
108773-18 SunOS 5.8: IIIM and X Input & Output Method patch
111310-01 SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/libdhcpagent.so.1 patch
112472-01 SunOS 5.8: Font2DTest2 abort when Lucida Sans Thai
Typewriter selected
109147-31 SunOS 5.8: linker patch
111308-05 SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/libmtmalloc.so.1 patch
112438-03 SunOS 5.8: /kernel/drv/random patch
108434-18 SunOS 5.8: 32-Bit Shared library patch for C++
108435-18 SunOS 5.8: 64-Bit Shared library patch for C++
113886-26 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris (32-bit)
113887-26 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris (64-bit)
111111-04 SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/nawk patch
112396-02 SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/fgrep patch
110386-03 SunOS 5.8: RBAC Feature Patch
111023-03 SunOS 5.8: /kernel/fs/mntfs and
/kernel/fs/sparcv9/mntfs patch
111317-05 SunOS 5.8: /sbin/init and /usr/sbin/init patch
113648-03 SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/mount patch
115827-01 SunOS 5.8: /sbin/sulogin and /sbin/netstrategy patch
116602-01 SunOS 5.8: /sbin/uadmin and /sbin/hostconfig patch
108652-87 X11 6.4.1: Xsun patch
108921-22 CDE 1.4: dtwm patch
108940-65 Motif 1.2.7 and 2.1.1: Runtime library patch for Solaris 8
108987-15 SunOS 5.8: Patch for patchadd and patchrm
108528-29 SunOS 5.8: kernel update and Apache patch
108989-02 SunOS 5.8: /usr/kernel/sys/acctctl and
/usr/kernel/sys/exacctsys patch
108993-39 SunOS 5.8: LDAP2 client, libc, libthread and libnsl
libraries patch
109326-16 SunOS 5.8: libresolv.so.2 and in.named patch
110615-13 SunOS 5.8: sendmail patch