Viewing groups
152 Perceive Getting Started
To edit a group
1 From the Edit Groups page, choose a group from the Select a Group of Computers
2 Search for computers to add to that group.
A To search for computers by matching regular expressions, type an expression in
Search criteria text box. For example, sun* finds computers such as sunbgs1,
suntan, sunrise, and so forth.
B To search for computers in a policy file (for example, an existing PATROL for
Performance policy or domain file), type the file name in the
File text box, or
C To search an active data source, choose a data source from the Data source
menu. All computers in that data source are added to the Find Results
3 Click Find Computers to display the search results in a table.
4 To remove a computer from the search results, click the computer name in the Find
window. The number of computers automatically decreases by one, as
displayed in the total count in the table header.
5 To add the contents of the list to the group, click Add Computers. The modified
group is displayed in the table at the bottom of the page.
Viewing groups
You can view all the available groups by clicking the View Groups task category. This
displays a two-column table listing the groups and the computers contained in each
Automatically generating groups
The Auto Generate Groups task category lets you dynamically divide the total number
of existing computers into manageable groups on a per-package basis. This lets users
who have not created groups display multi-computer views for smaller groups of