Installation requirements for HP-UX platforms
38 Perceive Getting Started
■ The account you specify has root privileges when installing Perceive. Root
privileges are required so that the configuration script can run at the end of the
Perceive installation. The Perceive installation utility prompts you for the root
password. If no root account or password is specified, you must run a small script
cwacfg.sh) as root to create Perceive links at the end of the installation. The
cwacfg.sh script is located in the <installdir>/CWA directory.
■ You have the required disk space on the system on which you are installing the
product. For UNIX platforms, Perceive requires at least 100 MB of disk space on
the drive where you install the software.
■ The JRE, along with the security files, is installed in the Perceive home directory as
part of the Perceive installation.
■ You have the following minimum AIX OS levels to run Java 1.4.2:
— AIX 5.1 -- 5100-03 (APAR IY32749) or later
— AIX 5.2 -- 5200-01 (APAR IY44479) or later
— AIX 5.3 -- (APAR IY58143) or greater
For more information on how to obtain the latest AIX maintenance levels, go to
Installation requirements for HP-UX platforms
Before you install Perceive on a HP-UX platform, make sure that:
■ You have the required disk space on the system on which you are installing the
product. For UNIX platforms, Perceive requires at least 100 MB of disk space on
the drive where you install the software.
■ You have any of the following Quality Packs to run Java 1.4.2 on HP-UX. Install
these patches before you install the Java software. The following table lists the
required HP-UX patches for Java 1.4.2: