Creating data sources
130 Perceive Getting Started
To create Visualizer data sources for Oracle
1 From the Manage Data Sources page, click New from the Action column that
corresponds to
Visualizer - Oracle (from the Type column) to open the New Data
Source page.
Figure 55 New Data Source Page for Visualizer Oracle
2 On the New Data Source: Visualizer - Oracle page, enter the following:
A A name for the data source in the Name field.
B The priority level in the Priority field. Use higher numbers to represent a greater
C The user name in the User Name field.
D The password in the Password field.
E The name of the database host in the Host field.
F The port in the Port number field (Oracle usually uses port 1521).
G The name of the database instance in the Database instance field.
For consistent results, enter a unique priority for each data source you configure.