Perceive Visualizer support
Chapter 1 Installing Perceive 25
Perceive Visualizer support
Perceive supports the following versions of Visualizer:
■ 3.7.30
■ 3.7.20
■ 3.7.10
■ 3.7.00
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) support
Perceive supports JRE version 1.4.2.
Required Solaris patches for Java 1.4.2
Use the following command to determine the current patch IDs on a Solaris system:
/usr/bin/showrev -p
In cases where you are using one of the above versions of Visualizer with a database
which was created under an earlier version (earlier than 3.6.20), you may need to run
the Visualizer utility DBMIGRATE in order for Perceive to access all the Visualizer
metrics. DBMIGRATE is documented in Visualizer Getting Started version 3.7.30.
Tab le 2 So laris 10 Pa tches
113096-03 X11 6.6.1: OWconfig patch
113886-26 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris (32-bit)
113887-26 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris (64-bit)
Tab le 3 So laris 9 Pa tche s
113886-26 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris (32-bit)
113887-26 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris (64-bit)
112963-17 SunOS 5.9: linker patch
113096-03 X11 6.6.1: OWconfig patch
112785-45 X11 6.6.1: Xsun patch