Selecting groups to view
Chapter 2 Using Perceive views 79
Square brackets indicate choices, so specifying sun[45678] is the same as specifying
Selecting groups to view
Select groups to view using the Group menu in the selector pane. You must select a
group view from a group view category on the scope pane prior to selecting from the
Group menu.
To select a group of computers to view, in the selector pane, select a group from the
Group menu.
Selecting time intervals
You can choose to view a selected group of computers or a single computer over a
specific period of time. Perceive lets you determine the time interval by:
■ Selecting the interval from the Time menu.
■ Selecting the date range from a Calendar.
■ Scrolling forward or back in time.
■ Zooming in on an area of a chart.
To select a time interval
1 In the selector pane, select a time interval from the Time menu.
2 To chart the selected computers for a customized period of time, choose Calendar
from the menu. For more information, refer to “Selecting a time interval with the
calendar” on page 81.
3 To scroll forward or back in time, click the appropriate scroll icons. For more
information, refer to “Scrolling forward or back in time” on page 82.
Table 7 lists the time intervals that are available in Perceive.
When a Perceive system starts, the default time interval is Yesterday, unless a user
configured another time interval to override the default.