Refreshing data sources
Chapter 4 Configuring, managing, and customizing Perceive 145
3 Click Create.
Consumers may notice delays when displaying views.
Refreshing data sources
Refreshing the data source checks for new data and new systems.
To refresh the data source
Click Refresh in the Action column adjoining the data source you want to refresh.
2 Click OK on the Refresh confirmation dialog box to refresh the data source or
Cancel to void the action.
Deleting data sources
Use the following procedure to delete data sources.
To delete a data source
1 Click Delete in the Action column adjoining the data source you want to remove.
Delete link is only available when the data source is active.
2 On the Delete confirmation dialog box, click OK to complete the action or Cancel to
void the action.
Specifying the data source priority
Perceive allows you to specify the order in which the data sources are accessed when
retrieving data for views. The priority level determines the order that multiple data
sources with similar data dates will be accessed. The order is processed by the
priority assigned to each data source.
You first select priority levels in the installation utility on the configuration pages for
the specific data sources you want to set up. The priority order is applied when the
Perceive application starts up, and when you activate and deactivate data sources
from the Managing Data Sources page.