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3-6 PATROL for BEA WebLogic User Guide
4. Click Next.
The Setup Java Environment dialog box is displayed.
Port Number port number on which the WebLogic Server is
the default port number is 7001; the port number is
listed in config.xml
Note: the PATROL for BEA WebLogic Java collector
will be using the specified DNS hostname and port
number to connect to the monitored WebLogic
Admin server. For example, t3://xyz.com:7001
Administrator Username WebLogic “system” ID, this may or may not also be
an operating system account
Note: the account under which the PATROL agent
runs must have the following permissions:
• read for the WebLogic home directory and all
• read-execute for the Java home and all
Administrator Password enter the password for the username specified in
the previous field
Note: passwords that contain special characters
(such as < or >) may cause error messages and
unpredictable results when you use the commands
in the BEAWLS_PROBE application class.
Table 3-1 Register WebLogic Server Manager Dialog Box Fields (for
WebLogic Server version 6.x, 7.0, and 8.1) (Part 2 of 2)
Field Name Description