BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Configuring PATROL for BEA WebLogic 3-5
3. Enter or change any field values to describe your environment (see
Table 3-1).
You can register and monitor as many managed servers as you wish, but
you must always register the WebLogic instance that is designated as
Admin. The PATROL Agent and PATROL for BEA WebLogic must be
installed on every monitored host (see Chapter 2 for installation
Table 3-1 Register WebLogic Server Manager Dialog Box Fields (for
WebLogic Server version 6.x, 7.0, and 8.1) (Part 1 of 2)
Field Name Description
Monitor WebLogic
Admin Server ID
name you want used for this server instance
the default is the server name found in the startup
batch file (Windows) or script file (Unix); although
you can use a different name, each server instance
name must be unique
the name must begin with a letter, not a number nor
special character; do not use a space in this ID
Installed WebLogic
full directory path where the local WebLogic Server
application is installed; this is not the same as
WebLogic Commerce Server; this is the value in
for example, d:\bea\wlserver6.1 or
d:\bea70\weblogic700 or d:\weblogic700
DNS Hostname DNS hostname on which the WebLogic Admin
server is running
this name will usually be t3://localhost, except
when clustering is used; t3 is the WebLogic
communication protocol