BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
C-6 PATROL for BEA WebLogic User Guide
Application Deployment
Deploy Application deploy a J2EE application on any WebLogic server that is
part of the current configuration; applications include .jar,
.war, and .ear files; deployment can be done on multiple
Undeploy Application recall a previously deployed application; undeploying an
application does not remove a component from the
configuration, it simply makes it unavailable for client use
Update Application change the deployment name or the target servers to which
an application is deployed
LOG Configuration
Domain Log configure domain log attributes
Server Log configure server log attributes
JDBC Log configure JDBC log attributes
HTTP Log configure HTTP log attributes
Transaction Log configure transaction log file prefix
LOG Notification
Register register to receive notifications of alert, critical, and
emergency messages via email or PATROL events
Unregister remove previous registration for log notifications
Update Registration change log notification setup, including email address to
which notifications should be sent or triggering options
List JNDI Naming reports JNDI name mappings bonded to a server
License Information reports products, license numbers, and expiration dates
Realm Information reports registered realm types and permissions
Security Information reports server security information for ACL, groups, and
users of a domain
JTA Information reports statistics for JTA transaction subsystem, such as
total transactions and number of rollbacks
JTA Transaction configurable report on JTA specifics, such as transactions by
name, by resource, or in-flight
Table C-2 BEAWLS_SERVER commands (Part 2 of 4)
Menu Command Action