BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Menu Summary C-31
BEAWLS_DBURL_V51 Application Menu
The menu commands in Table C-30 are the PATROL KM menu
commands at the BEAWLS_DBURL_V51 top level of the menu tree
BEAWLS_EJB_V51 Application Menu
The menu commands in Table C-31 are the PATROL KM menu
commands at the BEAWLS_EJB_V51 top level of the menu tree
Table C-30 BEAWLS_DBURL_V51 commands
Menu Command Action
Report Top N SQL identify the most resource-intensive SQL statements (the
number of results returned can be set from 1 to 30); this query
returns a list of SQL queries with the longest average
response time, the longest total response time, and most often
used (highest number of invocations)
Select SQL for Monitoring use this command to select specific SQL queries (up to 30
instances) for monitoring; you can define a unique label (alias)
that will be used as the name for a spawned instance of the
Table C-31 BEAWLS_EJB_V51 commands
Menu Command Action
Report Top N EJB Method produces a report based on user-specified categories of
statistical information, including top N average response times,
top N total response times, and the number of times the EJB
was invoked
Monitor EJB Method select which methods should be used to filter response data
(such as top N average response time, top N total response
time, or invocation count); this command is available only if you
have enabled EJB performance collection using the Advance
Monitoring => Configuration command in the