BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
D-24 PATROL for BEA WebLogic User Guide
Table D-33 describes the InfoBox available from the
Table D-33 BEAWLS_SERVER_V51 InfoBox (Part 1 of 2)
Item Description
Server Name name of the monitored WebLogic server
Cluster Name name of the cluster, if clustering is in use
Host Name host name of the machine where the WebLogic server
Host IP address internet address of the host machine
Cluster Multicast Address IP address used by member servers in the the cluster to
communicate with each other; this IP address must be in the
range between and
Listen Port port number on which the server listens for client connections
WebLogic Server Version version number of BEA WebLogic that is currently running
Date Time Started date and time the server was last started
Cluster Weight relative server availability for cluster load balancing
this reflects the amount of work that a server will accept
relative to other members of the cluster, expressed as a
percentage (1 to 100) of the busiest server (for example, if all
servers in a cluster accept work equally, they will all have
cluster weight set to 100)
JVM Version version number of the Java virtual machine
Up Time elapsed time since the server was started
Max Heap Space maximum size of heap space
CLASSPATH Java class path
Compiler Java compiler in use on this server
JVM Vendor name of the company that produced the Java virtual machine
JDK Home directory in which the Java Developer Kit is installed
GarbageCollect flag indicating whether garbage collection is on
WebLogic Home directory in which BEA WebLogic Server is installed
CLOPTS command line options