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1-4 PATROL for BEA WebLogic User Guide
JVM Profiling
Version 2.2.00 provides the ability to monitor performance of the Java
Virtual Machine. New controls allow you to monitor selected Java classes
and to profile performance. Available data includes JVM memory
statistics, garbage collection metrics, method-level data, and thread data.
JMX MBean Monitoring
Version 2.2.00 provides tools that let you monitor MBeans used in a
JMX-managed WebLogic Server. You can select which MBeans you
want to monitor and you can define attributes that determine which
MBeans are monitored, that trigger automatic alerts (including events
that can be managed in the PATROL Event Manager), and that can take
automatic actions based on your monitoring criteria.
Log File Monitoring
Log files are monitored from the BEAWLS_LOG application class. The
domain, server, HTTP, and Java Database Connection (JDBC) logs are
monitored by default, however, you can register any log file to be
monitored. In addition to being able to watch error and informational
messages as they are written to the log, you can define sniff patterns to
isolate critical error messages and you can subscribe to email or Event
Manager notifications; you can also generate PATROL events when
specific text patterns are written to the log.
Sniff Patterns
Set up sniff patterns to match text strings in the log file so that you can
pinpoint error messages that are most critical to your monitoring
environment. You can define sniff patterns for any kind of text
occurrence. Some of the most common strategies are to match:
Resource or service type: For example, you could specify a sniff
pattern of SSLListenThread to isolate only those messages pertaining
to the secure socket listener.