BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
2-36 PATROL for BEA WebLogic User Guide
3.A Restart the PATROL Console.
3.B Load the newly installed PATROL for BEA WebLogic.
3.C Using a PATROL Developer Console, enter the customizations
that you identified in Step 2, one by one.
To Migrate Customized PATROL Script Language Code
Customizations made to PATROL Script Language (PSL) code are not
automatically migrated. These customizations may be embedded in
files or stored in separate
.psl files. Migrate these customizations
manually, using the following guidelines:
• If you modified
.psl files that were shipped by BMC Software, you
must manually re-edit the PSL code in the new KM by using a
PATROL Developer Console to reapply your changes.
• If you modified PSL code embedded in a KM, that code will be
overwritten when you install a new version of the product. You must
manually edit the
.km files by using a PATROL Developer Console to
reapply your changes.
• If you created a new PSL file (not shipped by BMC Software)
outside of a
.km file, or if you created new PSL code (not shipped by
BMC Software) and embedded it in a KM that was shipped by BMC
Software, use the pslsearch utility to search your KM for terms that
you may have used that have since been adopted by BMC Software
as PSL keywords. Reapply your changes by using a PATROL
Developer Console. For instructions about using the pslsearch utility,
see the PATROL Migration Tools User Guide.
If you have a customized a PSL library that was compiled with an earlier
version of the PSL compiler than the version that was provided with
PATROL 3.2.09i, you must manually recompile the library by using the
PATROL 3.4.11 or later compiler.