BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Working with Log Files 5-11
Step 4 Check the box to enable logging and specify a file name in which to save
HTTP-related messages. Specify rotation attributes to define how often
new log files are initiated. (Fields are defined in Table 5-3.)
Step 5 Click OK.
Table 5-3 HTTP Log Settings dialog box fields
Field Name Action
Enable HTTP Logging? check this box to save HTTP access messages to a log file
Format select the message format from the pull-down list
options are common or extended
File Name specify the name of the HTTP access log file
for example, ./config/mydomainname/logs/access.log
Rotation Type specify the method to use in determining when to start a new log file
this can be DATE or SIZE
Log Buffer Size (Kbytes) specify the maximum size of the log file buffer
the default value is 8 KB
Max Log File Size (Kbytes) specify the maximum file size for the log file
Rotation Start Time specify when to start rotating the HTTP access log file
the format follows java.text.SimpleDateFormat, MM-dd-yyyy-k:mm:ss
For example: 11-24-2000-12:30:00 Note: If not set, the next rotation is
the next log period.
Rotation Time Period
specify the number of minutes between log rotations (the default is so
large as to effectively block rotation)
Log File Flush Interval
specify how often the log file should be flushed