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1-14 PATROL for BEA WebLogic User Guide
Managed Server Application Class
BEAWLS_MANAGED monitors and manages a “managed”
WebLogic Server that is remote to a given
PATROL Agent (see also Local Managed
Server Application Class,
in an environment with multiple WebLogic
Server instances, one server will be
designated the administrative server and
others designated as managed servers
Operating System Application Class
BEAWLS_OS monitors the local operating system of a host
on which a monitored WebLogic Admin
Server JVM is running; also monitors all
JVMs on local managed servers
Response Time Probe Application Class
provides connection time and estimated
transfer rate to the administrative server via
the AvgPingTime and AvgConnTime
Profiling Application Class
BEAWLS_PROF_CLASS container for Java classes for which method
level response information is being collected
this application class is created only when
JVM performance data collection is turned
on via the Advance Monitoring menu
command in the BEAWLS_SERVER class
and method profiling is turned on via the
Configure Method Profiling menu command
Table 1-1 Application Class Icons and Functions (Part 4 of 6)
Icon Application Class Name Function