BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Installing and Migrating PATROL for BEA WebLogic 2-7
Windows Environment
PATROL requires a dedicated user account in the Windows environment
known as the PATROL default account. The PATROL default account
must be created before you install PATROL. The PATROL default
account can be either a local or a domain account.
Stand-alone workgroup servers must use a local user account as a
PATROL default account. Servers that are trusted members of a domain
may use either a local or domain account. In each case, the PATROL
default account must be a member of the local administrators group of
the computer where the agent will reside.
PATROL default accounts on domain controllers should be only domain
accounts. The account on a domain controller must be a member of the
domain administrators group.
Although you can use an existing Windows user account, BMC Software
recommends that you create a separate Windows user account for
Do not use a domain or local Administrator account as the PATROL
default account. Such account usage causes files created by PATROL to
be owned by the Administrator, which could result in security or file
access problems.
Unix Environments
BMC Software recommends that the Unix account that you create meets
the following conditions:
• The account
.login, .profile, .cshrc, and .kshrc files should contain as
little user customization as possible. Specifically, there should be no
aliases, the prompt should be set to the default, and there should be
no command in these files to change the umask setting. The
recommended umask setting for the installation account is 022.