BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Installing and Migrating PATROL for BEA WebLogic 2-37
Creating and Installing Installable Images
The PATROL installation utility installs only to a local computer. The
installation utility cannot perform remote installations. You must install a
PATROL Agent and PATROL for BEA WebLogic locally on each
computer that you want to monitor. You also must install a PATROL
Console and PATROL for BEA WebLogic locally on each computer from
which you want to view results.
The installation utility does provide you with the ability to create an
installable image from the products that you select during a regular local
installation. If you place the installable image in a shared directory, you
can use that installable image to install the selected BMC Software
products on all computers that perform the same roles and have these
identical requirements:
• same shared
BMC Software directory
• same PATROL default logon
• same PATROL Agent port number
• same platform
• same security option
You can also use a distribution server to distribute the installable images
that you create.
If you create an installable image, all of the computers on which you use
the installable image must share the same
BMC Software product
installation directory, PATROL default logon, PATROL Agent port
number, platform, and security option.
Create an Installable Image
If you selected the I want to create an installable image to be installed later.
option in the Select Installation Option window during the installation
process, then you elected to share the installation image, execute it later,
or execute it several times for computers that share the same roles and
installation selections.