BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
3-22 PATROL for BEA WebLogic User Guide
MainDiscovery runs when you first configure the product, but it does
not run on a regular schedule because configuration of servers and
components is generally stable. MainDiscovery does, however, run
under the following conditions:
• When a new domain is initially setup.
• When a server’s status changes (such as from admin to managed
• When the PATROL Agent restarts.
• When PATROL’s Java Collector for WebLogic restarts.
• When you run the KM menu command Force Objects
Discovery from the BEAWLS_SERVER application class.
Attribute Discovery retrieves configuration and runtime information
for all components discovered by Main Discovery. It runs every 10
minutes by default.
Servlet Discovery finds information about the monitored servlets of
specified web applications). It runs every 10 minutes by default.
Log Discovery retrieves information for the four WebLogic Server
default log files. It runs every 10 minutes by default.
If application class icons do not appear in the console window within 10
minutes, check the following:
• WebLogic configuration: icons for monitoring some WebLogic
components will not appear if there is nothing for the KM to monitor.
Check your WebLogic configuration to verify that the component
being monitored by a “missing” application class is actually enabled.
• Advanced monitoring: icons for many of the application classes that
monitor and instrument performance will not appear unless Advance
Monitoring is specifically enabled. These icons include
PROF_CLASS, and PROF_METHOD. See “Enabling
Instrumentation and Profiling Features” on page 3-10.