Managing the Autodesk MapGuide and Buzzsaw Interface | 69
Avoiding Buzzsaw Interface Authentication
You can open documents associated with Autodesk MapGuide map features
without having to enter a logon ID and password to access the appropriate
Buzzsaw folder.
To avoid Buzzsaw Interface Authentication
1 Display the Autodesk Mapguide project document in Buzzsaw, showing
the list of HTML documents, as shown in the following illustration.
2 Right-click the HTML document in the Project Files list in Buzzsaw and
click Edit to display the Save File To Edit As dialog box.
3 Add the saved document to the desired local drive, and click Save. The
default HTML editor on your local system opens.
4 Add the following parameter to the HTML, anywhere between the begin-
ning and end object tags:
<PARAM NAME=”ObjectLinkTarget” VALUE=”_self”>
Note If the ObjectLinkTarget parameter is already present, make sure that it
is set to the value _self.