Creating a Layer from a DWF File Sheet | 31
Displaying Friendly Names and URLs
If you want to access database columns defined for the DWF, you can click
the Name, URL tab and select a column for the Name and/or URL. You can
use the content of the columns to display a “friendly name” for the features
or to display URLs. The friendly name replaces the URL in the maptip. For
example. “MapGuide” could replace “http://www.mapguide.com.”
As with SDP data sources, FEATURE_URL is the keyword for accessing URLs
in the DWF file. If you enter information in the URL column, that informa-
tion will be available on the status bar when a user passes the mouse pointer
over the related link. Only fully qualified URLs are recognized. Those not
fully qualified (that is, those without http://) are ignored.
You may decide to enter the URL into the maptip instead of the DWF
friendly name (that is, FEATURE_NAME), in which case you can also select
FEATURE_URL for the Name column. You can also do this the other way and
use the Name column to display a friendly name in the status bar.
You can add your own text in the Name field using the concatenation oper-
ator (||). (Note that concatenation for OLEDB uses + and concatenation in
this field does not exist for SDP providers.) Single quotes are used for
constant text (for example, ‘CountryID: ‘ || FEATURE_NAME).
Dispayed in
Displayed on
status bar