144 | Chapter 8 DWF API Additions
setRebuild in the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API Help. You can access the
MapGuide Viewer API Help by clicking Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 ➤ Documen-
tation ➤ Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API Help on the Program menu.
These URLs enable the user to go to a Web page that is related to a map
feature simply by double-clicking that feature. Typically, you store HTTP
URLs in this column, but you could also specify commands with other proto-
cols, such as FTP URLs, or even JavaScript commands. Use caution, however,
with non-standard protocols such as Javascript, as not all browsers support
For information about using URL columns with DWF layers, see “Displaying
Friendly Names and URLs” on page 31.
column – String representing the name to assign to the column containing
the URLs for the map features.
boolean – Specifies whether or not the name of the column for the URLs is
successfully set.
True – Indicates that the name of the URL column is successfully set.
False – Indicates that the name of the URL column is not set.
Error Codes
-1 Busy
See Also
getUrlColumn, UrlColumn
UrlColumn Property