118 | Chapter 7 DWG API Additions
treatClosedPolylinesAsPolygons – Boolean value specifying whether or not
the layer treats closed polylines as polygons.
True – Sets the layer to treat closed polylines as polygons.
False – Sets the layer not to treat closed polylines as polygons.
Return Values
boolean – Specifies whether or not the value that determines if the layer
treats closed polylines as polygons is successfully set.
True – Indicates that the value that determines if the layer treats closed
polylines as polygons is successfully set.
False – Indicates that the value that determines if the layer treats closed
polylines as polygons is not set.
Error Codes
-1 (Busy)
-15 (DoesNotApply)
See Also
getTreatClosedPolylinesAsPolygons, TreatClosedPolylinesAsPolygons
TreatClosedPolylinesAsPolygons Property
Gets and sets how polygon layers that are created from DWG data treats
closed polylines. A value of True indicates that closed polylines are treated as
polygons. A value of False indicates that closed polylines are treated as indi-
vidual polylines, not as polygons.
Note If this property is set to False, and closed polylines are treated as polylines
instead of polygons, the polylines are displayed on a polyline layer, instead of the
polygon layer.