170 |Index
file formats
DWF 23
applying to spatial queries 42
changing dimensions 44
turning on/off 42
geometry functions
sample applied 40
supported 40
using 39
geometry type, create layer from 15
getClipAdjust method 155
getClipEnabled method 157
getDataSource method 129
getDwf method 132
getDwfDataSources method 126
getFilterType method 82
getFilterType property 83
getGeometryFunction method 153
getKeyColumn method 134
getKeyColumnType method 136
getLayerFilter method 145
getLayerType method 125
getNameColumn method 140
getNameSource method 95
getPostSQLStatements method 161
getPreSQLStatements method 159
getQueryCategory method 86
getQueryName method 84
getSDPKeyColumn method 165
getSDPKeyColumnType method code 165
getSecondaryDataSource method 109
getSecondaryKeyColumn method 114
getSecondaryTable method 111
getSheetName method 148
getSourceType method 128
getSpatialQuery method 164
getSQLWhereClause method 104
getSymbolAngleColumn method 166
getSymbolHeightColumn method 166
getSymbolWidthColumn method 166
getTextHorizAlignColumn method 166
getThemeCategory method 92
getThemeName method 89
getTreaBlocksAsPoints method 119
getTreatClosedPolylinesAsPolygons method 116
getUrlColumn method 143
getUrlSource method 98
getWhereClause method 166
getWhereSource method 101
ini file (acadmap.ini) 4
installation and licensing 4, 6, 8
isLinkedToSecondaryTable method 107
KeyColumn property 136
KeyColumnType property 139
creating from DWF file sheet 29
creating from geometry type 15
creating from query 10
creating from theme 13
creating, using link template 20
no text layer from DWG 15
LayerFilter property 147
LayerType property 126
Linear Referencing System
accessing 53
Oracle VIEW using 53
sample in spatial query 54
link template, creating a layer using 20
LinkedToSecondaryTable property 108
location query, example of 10
map state, retaining 71
addPostSQLStatements 162
addPreSQLStatements 159
clearPostSQLStatements 163
clearPreSQLStatements 160
getClipAdjust 155
getClipEnabled 157
getDataSource 129
getDwf 132
getDwfDataSources 126
getFilterType 82
getGeometryFunction 153
getKeyColumn 134
getKeyColumnType 136
getLayerFilter 145
getLayerType 125
getNameColumn 140
getNameSource 95
getPostSQLStatements 161
getPreSQLStatements 159
getQueryCategory 86
getQueryName 84
getSecondaryDataSource 109
getSecondaryKeyColumn 114