128 | Chapter 8 DWF API Additions
getSourceType Method
This is an existing method that returns the type of data source for the layer.
In this release, this method now can return DWF as a data source type.
For more information about the getSourceType method, see the Autodesk
MapGuide Viewer API Help. You can access the MapGuide Viewer API Help
by clicking Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 ➤ Documentation ➤ Autodesk
MapGuide Viewer API Help on the Program menu.
String – Represents the source type for the layer data. The following are valid
source types for map data: Database, DWG, DWF, RasterImageFile, Spatial-
DataFile, or VisionTheme.
SourceType Property
This is an existing property that returns the type of data source for the layer.
In this release, this property can now set and return DWF as a data source
For more information about the SourceType property, see the Autodesk
MapGuide Viewer API Help. You can access the MapGuide Viewer API Help
by clicking Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 ➤ Documentation ➤ Autodesk
MapGuide Viewer API Help on the Program menu.
String (read only) – Represents the source type for the layer data. The
following are valid source types for map data: Database, DWG, DWF, Raster-
ImageFile, SpatialDataFile, or VisionTheme.
MGDwfDataSources Object
MGDwfDataSources is a new object that implements methods and properties
to support Autodesk DWF data sources for the new DWF layer functionality.
The MGDwfDataSources object includes the following new methods and
■ getDataSource (see page 129)
■ setDataSource (see page 130)