24 | Chapter 3 DWF Support
Summary of DWF Support
You can think of a DWF file as a container for a design package that is
comprised of various kinds of design information published in a print-ready
drawing set. DWF is an open format that can be published by many different
design applications. The DWF format has been created by Autodesk as a way
for team members, who may be separated geographically and who may not
all have the same software programs, to share and distribute design data.
With this release, Autodesk MapGuide now supports reading and writing of
DWF files. Here is the list of DWF-related features:
■ Set up a data source specifically for DWF files. See “Setting Up a Data
Source for DWF Files” on page 25.
■ Create a new layer directly from a DWF-file sheet. See “Creating a Layer
from a DWF File Sheet” on page 29.
■ Write a DWF file from an Autodesk MapGuide view. See “Saving a View
As a DWF File” on page 32.
Note DWF Version 6 files are supported. However, Autodesk MapGuide Author
does not display markup created by Volo
View 3 and saved in the DWF file.