Creating a Layer By Geometry Type | 17
The geometry you specified is retrieved from the server and displayed in
Autodesk MapGuide Author.
Theming a DWG Layer
You can theme new layers of a particular geometry type that you are bringing
into Autodesk MapGuide Author from a DWG file. The steps to theme geom-
etry from a DWG file are exactly the same as the steps to theme SDF geometry.
The following procedure assumes that you have already brought in the
geometry (see “Creating a Layer By Geometry Type” on page 15), and you
now wish to apply a theme based on object data stored in the DWG file.
To theme a DWG layer from object data
1 In Autodesk MapGuide Author, double-click the DWG layer to display the
Map Layer Properties dialog box.
Note If you need more information at any point in this procedure, click Help
in the current dialog box.
2 In the Map Layer Properties dialog box, click the Styles tab,
3 On the Styles tab, select Theme, and then click Theme Settings.
4 Click the Table Browse button, and select the table.