Accessing Data Using a Link Template
In Autodesk Map, a link template associates objects in the drawing with
records in an external database. In this release of Autodesk MapGuide, you
can access all the columns of any database table that is linked to the drawing
by a link template. For information about the other kinds of database tables
that you can link, see the topic “About DWG Data Sources” in the Autodesk
MapGuide Help.
Note When using DWG link templates in Autodesk MapGuide, the UDL files for
the link template data sources must be copied from the Autodesk Map Data Links
folder to the Autodesk MapGuide Server Data Sources folder. Otherwise,
MapGuide will be unable to access the data source. You can find the location of
the UDL files used by Autodesk Map on the Files tab of the Options dialog box.
To access external database tables using a link template
1 In Autodesk MapGuide Author, right-click Map Layers and then click any
of the DWG layer-creation options on the shortcut menu.
2 On the General tab, enter a name for the new layer.
3 For Draw Features From, select Autodesk DWG Data Source.
4 Click the Data Source Browse button, and select a DWG data source.
5 Click the Autodesk DWG Browse button, and select a DWG file.
6 Click the Key Table Browse button, and select a link template (link tem-
plate tables begin with DB_).
7 Click the Key Column Browse button, and select a column.
8 For Filter Type, select Layer, Query, or Theme.
You can use any of the three filtering methods to specify the geometry
that you want to bring into your map.
Link template
selected here