126 | Chapter 8 DWF API Additions
LayerType Property
String (read/write) – Represents the layer type. The following are valid layer
types: Unknown, Point, Text, Polyline, Polygon, Raster, Buffer, GIS Design
Server Theme, Autodesk DWG, Autodesk DWF, and Redline.
For more information about the LayerType property, see the Autodesk
MapGuide Viewer API Help. You can access the MapGuide Viewer API Help by
clicking Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 ➤ Documentation ➤ Autodesk MapGuide
Viewer API Help on the Program menu.
MGMapLayerSetup Object
The MGMapLayerSetup object provides run-time access to map layer setup
through methods that you can use to change data source names and alter the
way map features are linked to databases.
You can access all map layer setup attributes of all types of map layers with
MGMapLayerSetup. If you attempt to query or modify an attribute that does
not apply to the map feature you are working on, the method call fails and
sets an error code indicating the failure in the MGError object.
The following methods and properties have been added or updated for
■ getDwfDataSources – New method (see page 126)
■ MGDwfDataSources – New property (see page 127)
■ getSourceType – Existing method that can now return DWFs as a data
source (see page 128)
■ SourceType – Existing property that can now return DWFs as a data source
(see page 128)
getDwfDataSources Method
MGDwfDataSources getDwfDataSources()
Gets the MGDwfDataSources object for this layer.