6 | Chapter 2 Improved DWG Support
Summary of Enhancements
This release of Autodesk MapGuide provides greatly improved support for
DWG files, particularly those created in Autodesk Map. In previous releases,
you could only bring in the entire DWG or certain layers from it. To extract
geometry of a particular type from the DWG file, it was necessary to convert
the polygons, points, or polylines to individual SDF files first.
The new release gives you much greater flexibility in working with DWG
files. The following is a complete list of DWG-related enhancements,
showing what you can now do in Autodesk MapGuide:
■ Create a new layer directly from an Autodesk Map query. See “Creating a
Layer from a Query” on page 10.
■ Create a new layer directly from an Autodesk Map theme. See “Creating a
Layer from a Theme” on page 13.
■ Create a new layer directly from objects of a particular geometry type. See
“Creating a Layer By Geometry Type” on page 15.
■ Theme layers created from objects of a particular geometry type. Autodesk
MapGuide now provides the same support for DWG data sources as it does
for SDF. See “Theming a DWG Layer” on page 17.
■ Link secondary tables to layers created from objects of a particular geom-
etry type. Autodesk MapGuide now provides the same support for DWG
data sources as it does for SDF. See “Using a Secondary Table” on page 19.
■ Access linked-template external data. All columns of linked tables are
available for selection. See “Accessing Data Using a Link Template” on
page 20.