64 | Chapter 6 Using Buzzsaw with Autodesk MapGuide Viewer
Accessing Maps and MWF Files from
You can use Buzzsaw as a Web server where you can publish your Autodesk
MapGuide applications so that others can access them. For more information
about publishing maps to a Web server, see “Publishing a Map” in the
Autodesk MapGuide User’s Guide. You can access the Autodesk MapGuide User’s
Guide by clicking Programs ➤ Autodesk MapGuide Release 6.5 ➤ Documen-
tation ➤ Autodesk MapGuide User’s Guide from the Start menu.
You can also use Buzzsaw to store MWFs that you want to make available to
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer. This program can display MWF files directly
from Buzzsaw, or it can display a MWF file referenced in an Autodesk
MapGuide application.
Note Only the Microsoft ActiveX Control version of Autodesk MapGuide Viewer
can display maps and MWF files stored in Buzzsaw. You can use MWF files with
other viewers, but only the ActiveX Control can be used to open the MWFs within
Referencing MWF Files from Autodesk
MapGuide Applications
If your Autodesk MapGuide application references a MWF stored in Buzzsaw,
a reference to it cannot contain URL parameters. Buzzsaw generates an error
if you add parameters to the HTML code PARAM statement that references a
MWF. You can avoid this problem by adding all PARAM statements sepa-
rately, after the statement that references the MWF. For example, the
following HTML would result in a Buzzsaw error:
<PARAM NAME=”URL” VALUE=”https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/project/
This entry will not execute within Buzzsaw because of the ...LayersView-
Width=120 setting added to the PARAM statement that references the URL,
myMWF.mwf. Instead, the LayersViewWidth parameter (and any others) must
be included using a separate PARAM statement.