MN002000A © 2004 Navman NZ Ltd. All rights reserved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change without notice.
Message ID: 1135
Rate: variable; default on update
Message length: 10 words
Word No. Name Type Units Range
1-4 Message header
5 Header checksum
6-7 Set time (Note 1) UDI 10 ms ticks 0 to 4 294 967 295
8 Sequence number (Note 2) I 0 to 32 767
9.0-9.7 Data ID (Note 3) Bit 0 to 27
9.8-9.15 Satellite PRN (Note 4) Bit 0 to 32
10 Data checksum
Note 1: Set time is an internal 10 millisecond (T10) count since power-on initialisation enabled the processor interrupts. It is not used
to derive GPS time, but only serves to provide a sequence of events knowledge. The set time or T10 count references the receiver’s
internal time at which the message was created for output. The T10 range is approximately 71 weeks.
Note 2: The sequence number is a count that indicates whether the data in a particular binary message has been updated or
changed since the last message output.
Note 3:
0 = status 14 = antenna selection
1 = position 15 = user entered altitude
2 = UTC/iono 16 = DGPS control
3 = frequency standard cubic parameters 17 = host port protocol selection
4 = host port communication configuration 18 = auxiliary port protocol selection
5 = auxiliary port communication configuration 19 = host port enable messages
6 = memory options 20 = reserved (auxiliary port enabled messages)
7 = solution validity criteria 21 = user datums
8 = power management selections 22 = frequency/temperature table
9 = selected datum 23 = almanac
10 = platform class 24 = frequency standard calibration data
11 = cold start control 25 = nav configuration data
12 = elevation mask angle 26 = DR navigation parameters
13 = satellite candidate list 27 = gyro temperature table
Note 4: This field is only valid when the data ID = 23 (Almanac).
Table 3-18 Message 1135 (EEPROM update) Message 1135 (EEPROM Update).
This message provides dynamic status notification
for EEPROM writes. It contains the data block
ID for the last set of data which was written to
EEPROM. This message is most useful when
configured for output on update (the default), as it
will provide a notification of all stored configuration
changes as they occur. The contents of the
‘EEPROM update’ message are described in
Table 3-18.