RVS-DX, Digital Soft Starter Instruction Manual—4/01/04
RVS-DX Technical Data/Specifications
General Information:
Supply Voltage Line to Line 220-600V (to be specified) +10%, -15%
Frequency 45-65Hz (fixed or variable source)
Control Supply 110-120V +10%, -15%
Control Inputs & Outputs 110-120V
Load Three phase, three wire, squirrel cage induction motors
Stop Parameters:
Start FLC Starter’s full load current
Motor FLA Motor’s full load amps, 50-100% of starter FLC
Pump Control Curves 6 field selectable curves to prevent over-pressure and water hammer
Pulse Start Duration A pulse of 80% voltage for an adjustable time of 0.1-1 second, for starting high
friction loads
Initial Voltage 10-50% voltage (can be extended to 10-80%)
Current Limit 100-400% of motor FLA (can be extended to 100-500%)
Acceleration Time 1-30 seconds (can be extended to 1-90 seconds)
Deceleration Time 0-30 seconds (can be extended to 0-90 seconds)
Dual Adjustments Secondary settings for: Motor FLA, Initial Voltage, Current Limit, Acceleration
Time and Deceleration Time
Slow Speed Torque Torque while the motor is operating at 1/6 speed
Motor Protection:
Too Many Starts Maximum allowable number of starts, range: off, 1-10; during time period of 1-60
Start Inhibit Time period of 1-60 minutes during which starting is prevented after the “TOO
Long Start Time (Stall Protection) Maximum allowable starting time 1-30 seconds (can be extended to 1-250
Overcurrent (Shear Pin) Two operating functions: during starting trips and starter at 850% and during
running at 200-850% current, both within 1 cycle.
Electronic Overload (I
Adjustable 75-150% of motor FLA, adjustable trip time at 500% current of 1-10
Undercurrent Trips when current drops below 20-90% current for time delay of 1-10 seconds
Undervoltage Trips when main voltage drops below 50-90% for a time delay of 1-10 seconds
Overvoltage Tips when main voltage increases above 110-125% for a time delay of 1-10
Phase Loss (Under/Over
Trips when one or two phases are missing and when frequency is not between 40
and 65 Hz
Phase Sequence Trips when phase sequence is wrong
Long Slow Speed Time Trips if operating at slow speed for more than 1-30 seconds
Wrong Connection Prevents starting; Trips if motor is not connected or incorrectly connected to the
Shorted SCR Trips is case one or more SCR’s have been shorted
Heatsink Overtemperature Trips when heatsink temperature rises above 85°C
External Fault Trips when an External Control closes for 2 seconds