Tidal Current Information
Navionics charts contain Tidal Current information,
represented at large zoom ranges by a box icon with
the letter "C." The icon stands for a Tidal Current Sta-
tion location. An example is displayed at right.
When you zoom in to a small zoom range, the icon itself becomes an ani-
mated arrow showing tidal current velocity and direction for the selected
tidal station. At larger zoom ranges, you can select the boxed "C" icon
and it becomes an animated arrow with a pop-up name box.
To view Tidal Current information:
1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor over a Tidal Current Station
icon. When selected, a pop-up name box appears.
2. Press
WPT to display the Tidal Current Information screen.
Navionics chart showing Tidal Current Station icon selected by cursor.
In this example, the tidal current is in flood but it's about to enter the
slack water stage. The current is flowing to the west at 0.1 mph.
Cursor lines
Tidal Current
Station icon in
animated mode
name box