Humminbird 408930-1 GPS Receiver User Manual

What’s on the Sonar Display
What’s on the Sonar Display
The 500 Series™ Fishfinder can display a variety of useful information about the
NOTE: Entries inthis view that list(withTemp/Speed orGPSReceiver)areavailable ifeither device
informationfromthe GPS receiver will be displayed on the view.
Depth - Water depth can be set to alarm when
the water becomes tooshallow.
Temperature - Water surface temperature.
Timer - Elapsed time with Temp/Speed
Accessory orGPS Receiver.
Distance - Distance traveled with Temp/Speed
Accessory orGPS Receiver.
Average Speed - Average speed reading with
Temp/Speed Accessory or GPS Receiver.
Second Sonar Return - When the sonar signal
water and back again. Use the appearance of the
secondreturnto determine bottom hardness.Hard
Speed - If a GPS Receiver or Temp/Speed
accessory is connected, the Fishfinder can
display the speed of the boat and can keep a
Triplogof nautical or statute miles traveled.
Cursor Dialog Box - Indicates cursor depth on
the display and the depth of the bottom directly
below the cursor. The Latitude and Longitude of
the cursor position, the distance to travel to the
cursor position, and the bearing to the cursor
position is shown with a GPS receiver. A
waypoint can be marked at the cursor position
for later retrieval and use with a GPS receiver.