Serial Interface Specifications
76 Apollo SL30 Installation Manual
3 = 12V reference, in units of 50 mV, value ranges from 0 to 255.
4 = 28V reference, in units of 125 mV, value ranges from 0 to 255.
5 = Volume potentiometer, value ranges from 0 to 255.
6 = Photocell, value ranges from 0 to 255.
7 = Display thermistor, value ranges from 0 to 255.
8 = Crystal thermistor, value ranges from 0 to 255.
vv ...................Value. A two digit encoded hex number representing the latest value read
from the specified ADC channel.
Example message:
The latest value read from the Photocell (channel 6) is 0x37.
This message outputs the result of a specific system test.
Message format:
āVā.................Message class. This is a VHF NAV message.
ā35ā................Message identifier.
mk ..................Active frequency: m = MHz, where m = desired MHz frequency - 30h,
ranging from 118 to 136 MHz, 162 (i.e., 76h to 88h, A2h); k = (kHz
offset / 25 kHz) + 30h, ranging from 000 to 975 kHz in 25 kHz steps.
mk ..................Standby frequency: m = MHz, where m = desired MHz frequency - 30h,
ranging from 118 to 136 MHz, 162 (i.e., 76h to 88h, A2h); k = (kHz
offset / 25 kHz) + 30h, ranging from 000 to 975 kHz in 25 kHz steps.
a......................Transceiver status:
R = Normal receive
M = Monitor receive
T = Transmit enabled
S = Stuck mic
F = Comm failure
s......................Squelch test setting: (ASCII) 0 = automatic; 1 = test
Example message:
Active frequency is 119.100 MHz, the standby frequency is 124.550 MHz, receive function,
squelch is automatic.
This message is used to output the version string for the VHF Comm receiver software.
Message format: