Serial Interface Specifications
Apollo SL30 Installation Manual
v..................... Valid flag. “0” = bearing not valid, “V” = bearing is valid.
dddf ............... Bearing to a resolution of 1/10
of a degree. ddd = three digit bearing in
degrees, ranging from “000” to “359”. f = 1/10
of a degree.
Example message:
A valid bearing of 165.4 degrees FROM the standby VOR station.
This message outputs the decoded station identifier received on the NAV voice channel. This
message will be output even if the station identifier has not been decoded yet. In this case, the
message will be flagged as invalid. Note that the validity of this message does not depend on the
current NAV audio mode. The decoding is done automatically regardless of this setting. After
power up this message will be sent at a 1 Hz rate.
Message format:
“V” ................ Message class. This is a VHF NAV message.
“25” ............... Message identifier.
v..................... Valid flag. “0” = identifier is not valid, “V” = decoded station identifier is
iiiii ................. Decoded station identifier, five characters long. If the decoded identifier
is less than five characters in length, then the trailing characters will be
filled in with spaces. Identifiers are restricted to using ASCII character 0-
9 and A-Z.
Example message:
The decoded station identifier is valid and is “ISLE “.
This message is used to indicate a communication error.
Message format:
“V” ................ Message class. This is a VHF NAV message.
“27” ............... Message identifier.
e..................... Error code: (ASCII)
“0” = input message checksum error.
“1” = unknown message.
“2” = error or mismatch in message data.
Example message: