Garmin SL30 COMM GPS Receiver User Manual

Serial Interface Specifications
Apollo SL30 Installation Manual
This appendix includes the interface specifications for the RS-232 serial port. The RS-232
port can be used to input active and standby frequencies, and is used to input frequencies from
a remote source, such as the SL50/60 and 2001 GPS. The interface format conforms to
NMEA 0183 message format specifications.
The following input command messages are supported:
Input airport identifier associated with remote Comm frequency list
Input Comm frequency data from a remote source
Input VOR frequency data from a remote source
End of VOR frequency list from a remote source
Start of Localizer frequency list from a remote source
Input Localizer frequency data from a remote source
Request data output
Set active VOR/LOC frequency data from a remote source
Set standby VOR/LOC frequency data from a remote source
Set standby COMM frequency data from remote source
Set NAV audio mode
Active COMM frequency
Set Omni-Bearing Select (OBS) value from remote source
DME sensor input
SL30 output messages include:
Reset status
CDI, GSI, and flags
Decoded OBS setting
Radial from active VOR
Radial from standby VOR
Decoded station identifier
Communications error
NAV Receiver status
NAV audio mode
NAV microcontroller software version
NAV DSP software version
Comm transceiver status
Comm software version
ADC Data Output