
4. Roll the wheel to choose OFF, STAB GND, STAB HDG or STAB NORTH as
appropriate and then the push the wheel or the left button.
OFF: Guard zone is a sector; number of points limited to four.
STAB GND: Guard zone stabilized against ground; guard zone may be a
polygon having 3-10 points.
STAB HDG: Guard zone stabilized against heading; guard zone may be
a polygon having 3-10 points.
STAB NORTH: Guard zone stabilized against ground; guard zone may be a
polygon having 3-10 points.
5. Push the right button twice to close menu.
3.14 Operational Warnings
There are six main situations which cause the ARP to trigger visual and audible
Collision alarm
Guard zone alarm
Lost target alarm
Target full alarm for manual acquisition
Target full alarm for automatic acquisition
System failure
Collision (CPA/TCPA) alarm
Visual (COLLISION) and audible alarms are generated a target falls with a
preset limits. To acknowledge the audible alarm, press the [ALARM ACK] key, or
choose the ALARM ACK box and then push the left button.
Guard zone alarm
Visual (“GUARD”) and audible alarms are generated when a target transits the
operator-set guard zone. To acknowledge and silence the guard alarm, press the
[ALARM ACK] key, or choose the ALARM ACK box and then push the left button.
Lost target alarm
When the system detects a loss of a tracked target, the target symbol becomes
a flashing diamond (
) and the label “LOST” appears at the screen bottom. At
the same time, an audible alarm is produced for one second.
To acknowledge and silence the lost target audible alarm, press the [ALARM
ACK] key, or choose the ALARM ACK box and then push the left button. Then,
the lost target mark disappears.