Cobra Electronics 3000 GPS Receiver User Manual

At the
Select POI Search Method menu B:
1. Scroll
to [By Name] and press ENTER.
2. At the
Enter First Few Letters menu 6, enter the first
few letters — up to four — of the name using spell mode
as shown in the
Enter First Few Letters menu 7 to create
an abridged name list in system memory and press ENTER.
The list will be accepted and the system will proceed to the
Select Listing Preference menu D.
Select Listing Preference menu D provides three
ways to sort the list and select a final destination.
Sort by distance — see page 43.
Sort alphabetically — see page 43.
Within a city — see page 44.
Select by name
. . . . . . .
Allows the name of the
destination to be entered,
then narrows the choice
to one location if there are
multiple locations with the
same name, such as a
restaurant chain.
These select by name
procedures use entries
starting with the letters
BU as examples. The
same steps apply to any
other letter combinations.
10 B POI 6/15/04 5:33 PM Page 42