Inflating something too much can make it
explode, and you or others could be injured.
Be sure to read the inflator instructions, and
inflate the tire to its recommended pressure.
Do not exceed 36 psi (248 kPa).
8. Turn the selector switch (A) counterclockwise to
the sealant and air position.
9. Push the On/Off button (B).
The sealant and compressor kit will inject sealant and
air into the tire. Sealant may leak from the puncture
until the vehicle is driven and the hole has sealed.
The pressure gage (C) will initially show a high
pressure while the compressor pushes the sealant
into the tire. Once the sealant is completely
dispersed into the tire, the pressure will quickly drop
and start to rise again as the tire inflates with air.
10. Inflate the tire to the recommended inflation
pressure, found on the Tire and Loading Information
label. See Inflation - Tire Pressure on page 5-67.
The pressure gage reads high while the compressor
is running. Turn the compressor off to get an
accurate pressure reading.
Notice: If the recommended pressure cannot be
reached after 15 minutes, the vehicle should not be
driven farther. Damage to the tire is severe and
the sealant will not be effective. Remove the
air compressor plug from the accessory power
outlet and unscrew the inflating hose from the tire
valve. See Roadside Service on page 7-6.
11. Turn the compressor off by pushing the On/Off
button (B).
12. The tire is not sealed and will continue to leak air
until the vehicle is driven and the sealant is
distributed in the tire.
Steps 11 through 18 must be done right after
Step 10.