Saving your current vehicle position as a destination
Plus Point: It is very convenient to be able to save your current vehicle posi-
tion as a destination when you get somewhere “en route” that you would like
to return to later. This method also uses the most exact data, so that you can
use route guidance to take you directly to the doorstep, rather than having to
use a junction or house number block.
1. Mark
in the “Dest. memory” menu. Press
The “Dest. memory - Edit” menu will appear. ✔
2. Mark “Store location as destination”. Press
The character set used to enter the destination name will appear. ✔
3. Use the character set to enter a name for the destination as usual. Mark
“OK” and press
The “Store destination” menu will appear. ✔
4. Use to move the name of the destination to the position in which you
would like to save it in the destination memory. Press
The “Dest. memory - Edit” menu will appear again. ✔
Destination memory