- 40 -
Creating/Using Your Own Voice
You can create your own voice or load voices that other CoPilot
users have created and posted online. To do this, create a folder with
any name you want and copy sound fi les with the exact names of the
CoPilot sound fi les.
The CoPilot sound fi le names and their associate dialogues are:
File Name Dialogue
100y.wav One Hundred Yards Ahead
150y.wav One Hundred Fifty Yards Ahead
1kmWarning 1 Kilometer Ahead
1miWarning 1 Mile Ahead
200mWarning 200 Meters Ahead
200y.wav Two Hundred Yards Ahead
250y.wav Two Hundred Fifty Yards Ahead
2kmWarning 2 Kilometers Ahead
2miWarning 2 Miles Ahead
300y.wav Three Hundred Yards Ahead
350y.wav Three Hundred Fifty Yards Ahead
3tenthmiWarning 3/10ths of a Mile Ahead
400y.wav Four Hundred Yards Ahead
450y.wav Four Hundred Fifty Yards Ahead
500mWarning 500 Meters Ahead
500y.wav Five Hundred Yards Ahead
50y.wav Fifty Yards Ahead
Arrived Approaching Stop
BearLeft Bear Left
BearRight Bear Right
CancelDetour Cancelling Detour
CPWelcome Welcome to CoPilot
Detour Finding Detour
Fspcam.wav Attention Fixed Automatic Safety Camera
Junction.wav Take Motorway Junction
JustAhead Just Ahead
Keepleft.wav Keep Left
Keepright.wav Keep Right
Keeps.wav Keep Straight Ahead
LeftTurn Turn Left
NextStop Continuing to Next Stop
PoiAhead Point of Interest Ahead
Rdestination.wav You Have Reached Your Destination
RightTurn Turn Right
Roundabout1 Take 1st Exit at Roundabout
Roundabout10 Take 10th Exit at Roundabout
Roundabout2 Take 2nd Exit at Roundabout
Roundabout3 Take 3rd Exit at Roundabout
Roundabout4 Take 4th Exit at Roundabout
Roundabout5 Take 5th Exit at Roundabout
Roundabout5 Take 6th Exit at Roundabout
Roundabout7 Take 7th Exit at Roundabout
Roundabout8 Take 8th Exit at Roundabout
Roundabout9 Take 9th Exit at Roundabout
SafetyCam Safety Camera Ahead
SharpLeft Make a Sharp Left
SharpRight Make a Sharp Right
Spcam.wav Speed Camera Ahead
TakeExit Take Exit
Then Then
Traffi cWarning Traffi c Incident Reported
TurnAround Turn Around
Waypoint Approaching Stop
NOTE: The sound fi les must be saved in OGG or WAV format.
- Create a folder—the name of the folder can be anything you want
(for this example we’ll use ‘Fun Voice’ as the folder name).
- Record sound fi les to replace some or all of the CoPilot sound fi les
(CoPilot will use the default voice for sound fi les it does not fi nd).
- Copy the folder with the new sound fi les to Storage Card\CoPilot\
Save\[Choose a language folder].
- Now when you select that language, you’ll see ‘Fun Voice’ as one of
the voice options (see page 5 for details on changing your voice).